Tenderio.Improving sme's access to public procurement.

About us.
Tenderio combines a pan-European network of consultancy firms specialised in public procurement with the leading public tender search engine for SMEs. Our service helps SMEs identify possible partners and recommends expert consultancies to help write bids and translate materials into the appropriate language.
Tenderio also offers:
- 1. Country-specific guidelines
- 2. A benchmarking model on public procurement
- 3. National training sessions
- 4. Business-to-procurer days and matchmaking opportunities
- 5. Tailored coaching and mentoring services
- 6. Partner search activities
- 7. A “bidding laboratory”
- 8. E-Conferences and webinars on how to win tenders abroad

the tenderio project.
Tenderio project is funded by the COSME program of the European Union (GA No 739966) and aims to increase SMEs' participation in public procurement in EU through the development and the implementation of innovative activities that will inform, educate and support European SMEs to access international tenders.

Tenderio project coordinator is PEDAL Consulting
I started working – first as an intern, then as a freelancer - for a consultancy company that helped their clients to participate in public tenders. My main task consisted of identifying relevant business opportunities. In practice, this meant that every morning, I had to visit 27 websites and look for newly published calls for tenders. Even back then, I began to wonder if this process could somehow be automated, apart from using bookmarks.
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
I was tasked to prepare the first bid from the beginning to the end. My 5-week effort resulted in a 6,5 kg package of paperwork which was NOT selected for funding.
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
By the end of the year, I prepared or assisted in the preparation of over 20 bids, mainly in the transport, security and ICT sector. Most of them failed.
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
The first public contract awarded to the client thanks to the tender prepared by me. By the end of the year, I had been working on the implementation of 7 EU-funded projects.
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
I founded PEDAL Consulting, which has also built a “partner search” prototype thanks to which our client from Slovakia won a public contract in Bulgaria. Blown away by this experience, we wrote 17 proposals for other clients, all of them free of charge. Strong links with important international partners were established.
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
PEDAL Consulting set up a pan-European network of consultancies specialised in public procurement enabling us to access the networks of over 41 companies from 30 European countries capable of speaking 16 languages. PEDAL Consulting won several public tenders and acquired new deals also for its international clients. In parallel the company prepared 42 bids.
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
Hitting the “magic 10,000 hour” experience, we decided to found Tenderio, the one stop-shop for public tenders. Tenderio brings under one single roof the world’s number 1 search engine for public tenders and a pan-European network of bid writers with their limitless partner search capabilities, to allow 300 selected companies accessing new public contracts anywhere in Europe.
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
Over 150 European SMEs register to the Tenderio platform. We get our first customers :)
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
In April 2017, Tenderio received an 18-month funding from the EU Programme for Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) (GA No 739966), in order to further expand its services and increase SMEs’ participation in public procurement in EU. This new development phase of Tenderio is coordinated by PEDAL Consulting (Slovakia) and involves partners from Estonia (CIVITTA), Greece (Q-PLAN International Advisory), Portugal (GLOBAZ), and UK (Insight Publishers)
Yours enthusiastically, Robert MISKUF, Founder of Tenderio
Tenderio became the flagship service of PEDAL Consulting